Using Your God-Given Talents

(Enroll , Equip , Encounter)

Every one of us has been blessed with God-given talents—and yes, that includes you. You don’t have to take my word for it either because the world’s bestselling book clearly spells it out. Yep, I’m talking about the Bible. Romans 12:6 (NLT) says, “In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.

If you’re struggling in either of those departments, take a deep breath. I’m going to share some of my favorite tips for using your God-given talents and figuring out what they are in the first place.


How to Identify Your God-Given Talents  ?

How to Use Your God-Given Talents ?

Using Your God-Given Talents at Work ?

Traps to Avoid When Identifying Your God-Given Talents  ?

What Does the Bible Say About Talent ?

Questions to Identify Your God-Given Talents

The best way to identify your God-given talents is to spend time thinking about what you do well. Here are some great questions to ask yourself that will lead you in the right direction:

What’s a task or role that comes easily to me?

What am I good at?

Where did I excel in school?

What’s something I don’t have to work to be good at because I just am good at it?

What do my coworkers compliment me on most often?

If someone asked my friends what I do really well, what would they say?

What do I bring to a team?

What are my biggest character strengths? 
